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Arcade in the Sky Blog: Heroman Review

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Heroman Review

Originally uploaded by HazeStudiosGames
I've been really busy lately, working on the Antipole video game. Because of this, pastimes like playing games and watching anime have gone to the wayside. Luckily, I have been able to squeeze in a new anime show thanks to Crunchy Roll. The show is Heroman, and the distinction of being the first anime series created by Stan Lee. Yes the Stan Lee of Hulk and Spider-man. It's animated by Studios Bones.

This is the first series I've followed as it's being broadcast in Japan. Thanks to the streaming service I get the straight sauce, subtitled and uploaded just after the Japanese TV showings. Yes, I was into Naruto, but the manga, not the anime. Bleach and One Piece just never did it for me.

This is an awesome show. The premise is brilliant. It matches the Japanese Super Robot hero dynamic with the American Romantic individualist Superhero archetype. In a giant robot show, the boy hero is completely mortal, having to rely on his robot pal for all the super-ness. The friendship and teamwork are the real hero. Not that superheroes dont' exits in Japan--Just look at Tatsunoko VS Capcom--it's just that they play second fiddle to Giant Robots. In America, the super hero does everything himself, and has all the responsibility and burdens of that. Here, we have a boy and his robot, but holding the robots controller itself gives young Joey Jones some superpowers of his own.

I love this show, and I love how Stan Lee makes a cameo, just like he does in today's super hero movies. I can't wait to get my hands on more episodes and on the manga.
Buzz this

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