Naturally, it's only fair to see the other side's point of view.
Eventually, the issue was resolved through the power of youtube.
Preserving the heritage and fun of arcade games and creating new video games that have the same spirit.
Check out the [url=]test[/url] to find out who you are!
This is a banner from a webcomic called The Wotch. I haven't read it for a while. I do have fond memories of it. You'll notice that my character is a girl. Actually, it was a boy that got changed into a cheerleader. For no reason. The Wotch is just like that. It's more of an El Goonish Shive than a Ranma Half. Anyway, it's not my fav webcomic, but I do take a shine to it at some points.
Michael Bay returns again for a threequel of Transformers movies. Now, I am a big trans-fan, but I still like the movie world of the MB TF. I did enjoy the Revenge of the Fallen, but I must admit that the movie fell short of the first. Micheal Bay blames the writers strike for story flaws and "dorky humor". Is dorky humor Hollywood code for racist stereotypes? Oh well. I do admit that things will probably be better now that the strike is over. The trailer looks fantastic.
Nico Nico Douga is a Japanese version of Youtube. Like yt, it has it's own memes and in-jokes. One of my favorites is the Suite J, a karaoke melody of songs from video games, anime and pop-culture that includes more than 24 entries. This is something like that, it has old favorites as well as new memes that popped up in the last 5 years. Doesn't flow as well as Suite J, but I'm biased.
Here is my video log of my trip to Digital Press in Clifton NJ. I arrived at 3pm, when the event started, and there was already a line around the block. I waited for more than an hour just to get into the store. Halfway through the wait, a store clerk came out with a bankers box filled with TMNT, Fester's Quest and Deadly towers carts. He was selling them for 2 for 5. It was good if you didn't bring something for the Nerd to sign.
Just before I got inside, the police came by, and said we were blocking the sidewalk. That store clerk came out with a bullhorn and said we all had to get single-file or the event would have to be called off. The line complied.
Once inside (where it was MUCH warmer), there was another line that wrapped around the store. James Rolfe was very gracious about signing things, and taking pictures with people. I already have two pics with him from other cons, so I didn't bother him myself. Mike Maitell was also there for autographs!
The greatest thing happened as I was leaving. I found that the line outside all had a slice of pizza. Apparently a good Samaritan had bought pizza for the whole line. That was nice.
Now this is an interesting game. I won't spoil the answers, but I must say this is a must for all retro fans. The best part is, you get to view others' answers before the true answer is revealed. Fantastic.