Naturally, it's only fair to see the other side's point of view.
Eventually, the issue was resolved through the power of youtube.
Preserving the heritage and fun of arcade games and creating new video games that have the same spirit.
Check out the [url=]test[/url] to find out who you are!
This is a banner from a webcomic called The Wotch. I haven't read it for a while. I do have fond memories of it. You'll notice that my character is a girl. Actually, it was a boy that got changed into a cheerleader. For no reason. The Wotch is just like that. It's more of an El Goonish Shive than a Ranma Half. Anyway, it's not my fav webcomic, but I do take a shine to it at some points.
Michael Bay returns again for a threequel of Transformers movies. Now, I am a big trans-fan, but I still like the movie world of the MB TF. I did enjoy the Revenge of the Fallen, but I must admit that the movie fell short of the first. Micheal Bay blames the writers strike for story flaws and "dorky humor". Is dorky humor Hollywood code for racist stereotypes? Oh well. I do admit that things will probably be better now that the strike is over. The trailer looks fantastic.
Nico Nico Douga is a Japanese version of Youtube. Like yt, it has it's own memes and in-jokes. One of my favorites is the Suite J, a karaoke melody of songs from video games, anime and pop-culture that includes more than 24 entries. This is something like that, it has old favorites as well as new memes that popped up in the last 5 years. Doesn't flow as well as Suite J, but I'm biased.
Here is my video log of my trip to Digital Press in Clifton NJ. I arrived at 3pm, when the event started, and there was already a line around the block. I waited for more than an hour just to get into the store. Halfway through the wait, a store clerk came out with a bankers box filled with TMNT, Fester's Quest and Deadly towers carts. He was selling them for 2 for 5. It was good if you didn't bring something for the Nerd to sign.
Just before I got inside, the police came by, and said we were blocking the sidewalk. That store clerk came out with a bullhorn and said we all had to get single-file or the event would have to be called off. The line complied.
Once inside (where it was MUCH warmer), there was another line that wrapped around the store. James Rolfe was very gracious about signing things, and taking pictures with people. I already have two pics with him from other cons, so I didn't bother him myself. Mike Maitell was also there for autographs!
The greatest thing happened as I was leaving. I found that the line outside all had a slice of pizza. Apparently a good Samaritan had bought pizza for the whole line. That was nice.
Now this is an interesting game. I won't spoil the answers, but I must say this is a must for all retro fans. The best part is, you get to view others' answers before the true answer is revealed. Fantastic.
This needs no explanation. This needs to be on everyone's blog someday, so I decided to get it out of the way tonight.
I'd like to introduce you all to my favorite muppets act of all time. I've remembered this since I was a small child, and it's always been my favorite. I've been searching for it for years, and here it is!
I'm looking for beta testers for my new facebook game. Please go to this site, then 'go to application'. Give feedback here if you like, or contact me through Facebook.
Thanks a million for all your help!
From the Funspot Web announcement:
On Saturday, November 20th 2010, The American Classic Arcade Museum @ Funspot will be holding our 1st Annual PAX-East Arcade Party. Join your fellow PAX-East attendees for a day of classic arcade gaming and fun inside the largest arcade in the world.
Top 25 Horror.
The List
This movie scared the whozits out of me when I was a kid. I would watch the previews on the pay-per-preview channel. That and Puppet Master. I knew about it even though I wasn't old enough to watch it.
22. Monster in the Closet. (1986)
I discovered this movie on Netflix, and it's fast becoming one of my favorites. I'm glad to see it here!
23. The Troll Trilogy.
It's about time James chimed in on these movies. Cinema Snob and Phelous have done a number on these already. There's nothing in these video that hasn't been covered by them before, but I still like to see James tackle these.
24. Brain Damage. (1988)
This is interesting. I've never heard of this, but I'd like to see it.
25. Monkey Shines. (1988)
Another of my favorites! I love this movie, glad to see it getting some love.
26. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. (1990)
Interesting. I'd think that we would have heard the last of the TCM movies. James seems to have a distaste for everything after 2. Wouldn't it be cool to mention the 4th movie in the next MM?
27. Ernest Scared Stupid. (1991)
First the Nostalgia Critic now James. This is the year for ESS. I loved this movie too. I understand how Critic was disappointed that this wasn't as good as Saves Christmas or Goes to Camp, but it was still good. I enjoyed it a lot, and I put it up there with Trick r' Treat and Charlie Brown with my best Halloween Specials. This is quite the juxtaposition isn't it? Chainsaw Massacre 3 and Earnest next to each other?
28. Robot Wars - Robo Warriors. (1996)
Interesting to a degree. I wouldn't put these high on my must see list, even though I agree that practical robot effects are awesome.
29. Evil Ed. (1995)
Not really my cup of tea, but I can see why James would be into it. He is an editor, after all. I might check this out someday.
30. Reptilian. (1999)
I had always wondered if there was a remake of Yangary, the Korean Godzilla. Now I know. I think I'll stick with the original, though.
31. Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. (2004)
Now this is a movie! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this!
Well, overall, it was a great year. There's nothing like the great feeling of waking up on an October morning and knowing for sure that there's a cool Monster Madness video for you to watch. It's like Christmas morning all month long! There was a good mix this year of things I had heard of, and things I hadn't. It really rounded out well. Can't wait for next year! Thank, James!
The biggest shock was 'The Cove'. Not that my childhood arcade had closed down, just that the sign was still there. They had converted the arcade into another study hall, but they kept two billiard tables for some reason. You'd think clakking billiard balls would distract someone studies. I hope to heaven there's wifi in there and that people are at least playing facebook game sin there. That would be something.
The Wendy's there had been changed to a Burger King. Boo.
The pizza place and Chinese buffet were both there. The student lounges and meeting rooms were as I'd left them. The student store had changed a bit, as all convenience stores do over time. I bought a Rutgers T-Shirt there, just for good measure. It was a fun trip. I guess sometimes you can go back home again.
[This was done on Saturday October 23rd.]
| PS3
| Xbox 360
14. The Exorcist 2. (1977)
I've endured this movie before, and it's really hard to get through. I'm glad it was included, however, just to see the James Earl Jones joke!
15. The Manitou. (1978)
Geez. Another movie I've never heard of. It seems movies this year are getting more and more obscure.
16. Laserblast. (1978)
Wow. Never heard of this one. It seems the movie choices this year are getting more and more MST3K. In fact, I watched this movie just the other night on Netflix streaming. They had both the normal and MST3K versions. I hate to say it, but most of the jokes in this episode were already done by the Satellite of Love.
17. Night of the Demon. (1980)
Possibly the most graphic movie we've seen yet. I know about Night of the DemonS, but not this one. I'm surprised 'Night of the Demons' hasn't been mentioned before now. I need to check this out, but I'll need a stiff drink first.
18. Mystics in Bali. (1982)
This blew my mind. I didn't think James would go all the way to India for horror movies. I am impressed. I get the feeling this is only here so he can make a Jim Bob reference.
19. Fright Night. (1985)
Alright! Now we're talking! Glad to see this movie included!
20. Transylvania 6-5000. (1985)
I expected this to be on here, since there was a clip of it in the promo for Camp Cult, and it's Campy as Hell. I already have this movie in my collection and I really don't like it. It's worth a watch, for sure, but it would have been nice if he had explained the joke behind the title. He did mention the Bugs Bunny cartoon of the same name. There's a lot of history behind that and this movie, but I guess it would have taken him all day to explain all that.
Overall, it was a great party. I got to meet some familiar faces and meet new ones, too. I defiantly recommend this place as a regular hang-out!
Game Trailers has been putting out some great retrospectives. It's been a while since they came out with something this good. I especially like Part II. I knew Rondo of Blood was a good game, but after their description, I'm chomping at the bit to play it.
Retrospective Part I
Retrospective Part II
Well, that was a royal waste of time. I wrote that I already owned the movie, and I watched it as soon as I saw the MM review. Didn't really stand out to me, but the review James did was still very entertaining.
9. The Terror. (1963)
Wow. Talk about deconstructing a movie. I have this movie two. It's on the same DVD collection as The Screaming Skull. In fact, it's on the reverse side of the same disk. I guess James didn't have to go far. I haven't watched it yet, but I'm on task.
10. War of the Gargantuas. (1966)
I was half expecting this one, it has been mentioned before during Godzillathon. I streamed this on Netflix the very night of the review's posting. It was just as good as promised. I had never thought to see a giant monster movie that didn't star a major monster like Godzilla or Gamera. I assumed that because the didn't have as big a name, the sets and production value would be at a lower standard. This movie proved me wrong.
11. Dracula vs Frankenstein. (1969-1970)
This was a movie I had actually seen before. The first one he discussed. I had to fast forward through a lot of it because it was just so slow or impossible to see anything. I share James' disappointment in how this fight turned out. I was not, however, enough of a masochist to eek out the other two movies.
12. Legend of The 7 Golden Vampires. (1974)
Another movie I had no idea existed. I can't wait to track it down and watch it. I like Asian Horror like 'Mr. Vampire' so this should be right up my alley!
13. Infra-Man. (1975)
Funny. I have giggled more at this video than anything else on the internet in more than a year. It's hard to describe the hypnotic, giggle-inducing power of this video. You just have to watch it. I'm not sure if hunting down this movie is a priority, but watching this funny review is definitely top on my list!
1.The Phantom Creeps. (1939)
This was a good way to start things off. Not only do we get to see James this time, but he has he projector. As we've seen in a previous post on Cinemassacre, he really does have this film serial in film format. This lends some authenticity and fun to the episode. Once again, he also makes notes of how elements of the movie show up in other parts of part culture; a fav part of monster madness for me. This serial looks interesting, but I don't think I'll watch it soon.
2.The Vampire Returns. (1944)
More Bela Legosi. It's a shame he had to be type-cast as a vampire, but these movies are just too much fun. Another I didn't know existed, it goes right on my list of movies to watch!
3. Robot Monster. (1953)
This pick was so obvious it escaped me. I've seen clips of this for years. When people was to show clips of what a "B-movie" is, they always come right here. That montage of the cave was awesome! From what James describes, it actually seems fun. I'm going to watch this as the earliest opportunity!
4. The Cyclops. (1957)
It was a sure-thing that we'd get a Bert I. Gordy movie this year, especially since James did an interview with him recently. I assumed it would be "Earth vs. the Spider", but this is good too.
5. From Hell It Came. (1957)
Here's another I hadn't heard of. If looks fantastically cheesy. What gets me is the joke at the end. It just makes me chuckle infinitely. The thing is; James is known as the Angry Nerd, so you just assume blue humor is forthcoming. By making such a G-rated joke, it just blows the mind.
6. Fiend without a Face. (1958)
Wow. Just wow. This could turn out to be my fav episode this year. This movie is exactly the kind of thing that would give me nightmares for months when I was a small child. I've already put this flick on my netflix cue, and I'm waiting by my mailbox with bated breath!
7. Frankenstein 1970. (1958)
Here's another movie I would never have stumbled across if not for MM. I can't wait to dig this up and watch it. I bought a lot of Karloff movies since Monster Madness started, but am not really a fan. But something about seeing this Frankenstein swan song... intrigues me...
8. The Screaming Skull. (1958)
About time MST3K got a mention. I actually own this movie in that collection James mentioned. I'm going to go watch it right now!
Check out the link Here.
Here is another video from my hero, the Happy Video Game Nerd. It's a nice tribute to gaming. I've left my own comments on it already, but want everyone here to enjoy it.
Here is a tribute video I made for the Incredible Hulk. It was made as a birthday present for a good friend of mine whom is a big Hulk fan. I tried to include all the things that have made Hulk great over the years. This video was on Youtube, but they took it down. I'm hosting it now myself.
That being said, I'll start by recapping my footsteps. I arrived on Thursday, alone. My friend did not arrive until that night. I used the time to check into the Holiday Inn and to walk around Inner Harbor Baltimore. Sadly, the area has seen better days. ESPN Zone has closed, many stores in the Inner Harbor mall have closed as well. The fountains were also offline. I spent the night at Howl at the Moon. This is a great bar to party at.
Friday was much more fun. I went to an Evangelion Panel, where I learned about and They had lots of interesting information about the Eva franchise. I also got to hang out with Dave Lister and talk about DS development. There were great things at the artist's alley and dealers room, as per usual. I was happy to see they turned on the fountain system for the weekend.
Saturday, I saw a panel on Gainax, where I learned about this piece of AMV greatness:
Sunday was slow, as we packed up. I did get to actually relax this weekend, and got to try some games I've been wanting to, namely Transformers: War for Cybertron and Dragon Age: Origins. They were both good, but I've got too much on my plate to play them full time. I will have to check out Darksiders, though.
All in all, it was a good Otakon to end my 13 year run. I'm off to new adventures. More on that later.